A light at the end of the tunnel

A Vesta prototype
Current debuging unit on the testing room

After a while, longer than expected and planned, the kernel on the back of the Vesta controller’s heart has begun to show the very first images. Too much time, many days and weeks lost in testings, endless programming sessions capable of testing the limits of human will. A very long time plagued by uncertainty in wich the most solid fundamentals were questioned.

The very first main screen

Going back to the technical part, this controller version is based on several bulk files created by a external compiler capable of managing several linked structures to produce optimized code ready to be executed by a thin and cheap controller. There are many advantages behind this approach; first of all is the convenience of developing the high level object hierarchy in a more capable environment, letting it handle the low-level details. Second, it takes advantage of a common development for device controllers and the central home automation system, currently also in development, so these components will be quite familiar from each to other.

Next step will perform physical actions

There are several technologies coexisting in this part of hardware; Arduino code (C++), HTML, JavaScript, plain C# code and those structures created specially for interaction among devices and main controller. The result will take form melting the limits between physical electric devices and their logical representation, putting at second-stage developers firgertips all the power locked into this simple concept.

But the best part of this news is that the next ones will happen more requently and will be much more spectacular.

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